Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Are I.T. Workers,Professionals or not?

For me,Yes!

As we know,i.t.(information technology)graduates,does'nt have lisensure exams. But,it does not necessarily means,it will not be called as professionals. The fact is,with the help of these computer literate graduates. Are more highly trained workers,with the help of the technology. And most are in demand graduates for the high competency in the technolgy and computer business. Enabled to work in some of the biggest companies to maintain and help their company to enahance their business. Having the skills in what had learned in computer. It's one of the in demand skills.I.t. workers are professionals.


  1. and also through this what we call learning in I.T world, we can elaborate it and expand the great ideas that what have other IT have done.

  2. good dude keep up the good work.

  3. nice explanation..keep up the go0d w0rk..™®®™

  4. ui...great essay bowt it professions..sooner or later we will be 1 of them too..au2 always..

  5. hehe very well said!
    keep it up popeye=)

  6. nice prinze julez....
    ana jd..kuyawa sa mga ENGLISH ahhh
    mura mb ug BRITISH...-_-
    PRIFESSIONAL jd btaw tah.....gudluk
